Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Beginnings

Who would have the audacity to start a gardening blog in September?  The garden is waning, leaves are turning yellow and falling, flowers are spent, a month-long drought has felled two of our dogwoods along with redbud tree framing our porch. It looks pretty hopeless out in the garden.  What
could the end of September offer?  In the midst of all this decomposition, one finds life and hope.

 A shimmery spider web beckons unsuspecting insects.

Hiding in the leaves of the camella, a lizard hopes to be ignored by utilizing his camouflaging skills.

Several robins on their way south visit and chirp happily whilst enjoying our sprinklers. Unfortunately, they won't sit still for an amateur photographer.

It makes me smile and appreciate all the seasons.  Henry David Thoreau said,  "Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.”

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